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Réouverture complète du site Réseaux Actions Solidarités !

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Inscrit le: 07 Déc 2008
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MessagePublié le: Dim 07 Déc 2008, 6:44    Sujet du message: Réouverture complète du site Réseaux Actions Solidarités ! Répondre en citant

Bonjour à tous,

Après la restructuration complète du site web Réseaux Actions Solidarités, le forum se préparai à réouvrir ses portes.

C'est maintenant chose faite ! Le forum Réseaux Actions Solidarités vient juste de réouvrir après de longs mois d'inactivités !

Nouvelle présentation graphique trop classe ! Bientôt de nouvelles thématiques de luttes et pleins d'autres choses encore !

Construire, échanger, partager, agir... tels sont les "mots d'ordres" du forum.

Rappelons que ce forum est destiné à l'organisation concrète de différentes actions régionales tout en permettant à chaque personne à travers la France et l'Europe d'être au courant de ce qui se passe !

Rassemblons-nous et préparons ensemble activement les différentes manières de changer les choses.

créons des Réseaux, organisons des Actions et faisons en sorte que les Solidarités se créent à travers ces différents Réseaux et Actions.

Réseaux Actions Solidarités, une mouvance qui nous appartient tous selon nos envies !

Le forum Réseaux Actions Solidarités vient juste de réouvrir après de longs mois d'inactivités !

Nouvelle présentation graphique trop classe ! Bientôt de nouvelles thématiques de luttes et pleins d'autres choses encoe !

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MessagePublié le: Jeu 03 Juin 2010, 8:51    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The man is in China on a joint project with the department where Mum works. They work in the same office and as Mum knows a little English she often interpretes for him too, so they got to know each other very well.

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They came about twelve - Mr. & Mrs. archlord money Robinson and their two young daughters about Xiao Hong's age. Mrs. Robinson gave Mum a bunch of fresh flowers, bringing colour, freshness and their good will. Mum did the introduction and it was left to ourselves to get to know each other. As was natural Xiao Hong soon got on very well with the two girls Judy and Annie. They all had a common love for Xiao Hong's little kitten and they had endless fun with it.

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Mrs. Robinson was much younger than her husband, dog clothes but she was friendly and kindly and knows a little Chinese. There was a moment of embarrassment when Granny asked her age. Mum was about to apologize when Mrs. Robinson laughed and said it was quite all right, that she had been here long enough to know it was the Chinese custom.
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And of course they thoroughly enjoyed the dinner. maple story mesos Iike a perfect Chinese hostess Mum and especially Granny kept stuffing them with food and urging them to eat and to drink, apologizing all the time that "it's-all very meager and coarse fare. " The Robinsons, on the other hand, were loud in their praises and protestations. "We used to hear about Chinese hospitality and now we know what it's really like. How can you describe such a lavish meal as meager and coarse? Any hostess in the West would be proud of such a feast instead of apologizing for it," Mrs. Robinson said to Mum.

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"And another thing we don't do in the West is to urge the guests to eat and drink," flyff penya Mr. Robinson added. "With so much good things before me I certainly don't need any urging. The problem is rather how to prevent myself from over-eating! But back at home I often had to ask for a second helping and my hostess would feel flattered that I should want more of her stuff. Here you don't even give me a chance to ask for,more!" We all burst out laughing at that.

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When they rose to leave they thanked us profusely not only for'the excellent dinner, last chaos gold but for giving them such a nice time. "Living in Friendship.Hotel isn't really living in China. Today we feel we are really in China. We' ve learnt much more about the Chinese people and Chinese way of life today than half a year in the Friendship Hotel. You must all come to visit us one day. Or better still, come and see us in the States on day. "

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Judy and Annie were reluctant to go. World of Warcraft power leveling They made Xiao Hong promise to visit them at Friendship Hotel, telling her not to forget bringing the kitten with her! They insisted on giving everyone of us a hug and a kiss, which quite embarrassed me. I think Granny was really touched when they kissed her. All her misgivings had been dispelled.

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